Acquire Talent Solved!

Quickly review resumes and shortlist candidates that match job requirements!

Identify top talents based on experience and skills, not keywords.


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Scan Resumes with Powerful Insights

Scan resumes focusing on experience, transferable skills, and strengths.
Not a traditional keyword-based ATS resume checker.

In-depth Resume Analysis

Gain comprehensive insights into candidates' experience, strengths, and potential.

Save Time

Review and process more applications in less time.

Team Collaboration

Seamlessly collaborate with your team for better decision-making.

Evidence-Based Shortlisting

Make informed decisions with detailed evidence, beyond keyword matching.

Streamline Your Recruitment: Find Top Talent Fast

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One solution benefits all

Talent acquisition teams

Efficiently manage multiple roles and collaborate with your hiring teams to review and assess resumes seamlessly.

Talent acquisition teams

Hiring managers

Save valuable time while ensuring you find the right talent quickly.

Hiring managers

Job seekers

Identify skill gaps swiftly and learn how to better articulate your experience.

Job seekers

Assessed resumes for candidates who worked at top tier companies

Assessed resumes for candidates worked for

Frequently asked questions